
Nothing Like the Present

Open spar



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-15-2021, 11:15 PM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

She didn't have to wait long before someone found her, though what she saw had her staring in awe. It was a pup, nearly a yearling if she had to guess, but already he was impressive. She was enthralled by the fact he had horns, and scales on his body that appeared to glow like hers. While Aurielle glowed, and Ardyn did too, they were the only other two wolves she knew besides her that could do that. And now there was another. Her tail wagged, glowing blindingly bright in her excitement. The boy didn't say anything though, as she watched him drop into a defensive stance. The companions that had come with him had moved off to do something else, and she took that as a sign that perhaps pleasantries would come after their spar.

She flashed a smile as she too, settled into her own defenses. Alien gaze watched him for a moment, assessing how she was going to approach this, but...she wasn't very experienced with fighting someone that looked like him. Ardyn didn't have horns, and neither did she. Still, it was just a practice spar. Nothing serious. "Ready or not!" She exclaimed in her melodic voice. And then she was off!

She opted to come at him head on, long legs eating the ground as they brought her closer to him. And once she felt she was close enough, she opted to throw her left shoulder forward in an attempt to clash it against his chest. As she did so, she brought her right foreleg forward and sought to drag one of his forefeet towards her. Her own jaws opened up, crown turning to her right, seeking to land a bite on the right side of his neck. Simple moves. She knew that. But she was still learning, and this was as good a practice as any.

Tel'Teukiira vs Takeshi for Spar
Round: 1/?
Age: 1yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Feline claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Saber fangs - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Novice Intellectual
