
this is how a heart breaks


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
09-15-2021, 11:24 PM
Siren claimed to have never seen what Chimera claimed to see, but gave no reason to doubt his statement. No, she supposed, she didn't have a reason to deny what Chimera said. She wondered what these magnificent siblings saw through their gifted visions. Chimera obviously saw the dead—but what did Siren see? As if reading her mind, Siren began to answer the unspoken question, catching Ali quite off guard. So Siren had premonitions, glimpses into future possibilities. Ali looked astonished that Siren would say such a gift was never helpful. She could only imagine such a talent would be incredibly helpful to have! Siren could see into the future, to better make decisions and judgments. How could that be unhelpful?

That wasn't the end of Siren's gifts, however. The tiny caramel princess went on to explain how she could also see colored auras given off by wolves like a manifestation of their souls. Again Aliana was astounded by the powers granted to the Klein siblings. They made her feel so... mortal, so average by comparison. To be in their presence, truly it was an honor. Perhaps they were demigods on this plane, granted divine abilities by beings far more powerful than themselves. If so, it made everything Chimera did to her feel more like an honor. To be chosen to be bedded by a demigod when she herself was nothing more than a mortal slave... It was almost enough to make her tremble.

Ali silently wondered what Siren saw when she looked at her, but once more the princess showed her omniscience by answering the question before she ever asked it. Aliana's aura was silver, a color Siren associated with royalty. Ali gasped in surprise. No one had ever called her such a wonderful thing as royalty before. She felt wholly undeserving of the compliment, but took it gracefully with a shy smile and eager wag of her tail. "You're much too kind to me, Lady Siren," she spoke softly. Another question grabbed her mind. "...What color is Chimera's aura?" She was curious to know how her spirit blended and meshed with his. Maybe just out of idle curiosity, or maybe for more intimate reasons...


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.