
Para Bellum




7 Years
Dire wolf
09-15-2021, 11:43 PM

While the boy was busy with thoughts of vengeance and readying his bulky, stupid weapon. Oxx was doing something much more simple. His big paw had pressed down hard into the snow below it. The warmth of his pads had made the white powder sticky and pliable. Words continued to spew out of the kids yapping maw and Oxx... Oxx made a snowball. Just a simple snowball. What was he going to do with that snowball? The kid was about to find out.

As the sword wielding toddler ran towards him, Oxx lifted his big paw and chucked the ball of icy snow right at that black and blue face. The snow and ice would crack right into the little man's eyes and, with the force of the blow, it wouldn't exactly feel like tickles. Oxx would be surprised if the little bastard didn't have a black eye after all of this.

What fun would it be to just throw a snowball? This was a game and Oxx was determined to win. Once his aim struck true, the massive brute merely sidestepped the swing of the sword, then slammed his massive chest against that of the boy, hooking the youths legs with one white speckled paw to bring him to the ground. More than once Oxx slammed his forehead against the boy's cheek and muzzle, forcing him to drop the sword. Possibly giving him a bloody nose. Or was that Oxx's own blood? While headbutting the little brat, the sword had made a nice little slice in Oxx's cheek. Oh well.

Kicking the sword way out of reach, Oxx placed a paw on the boys throat and applied the entire weight of his front half to it. "What did you think you were coming here to do? You're still a pup. A little baby. Against me, you are nothing." Oxx snarled out that last word, his tail curling high over his spine as he pushed down harder on the captured throat. "Do you want proof of just how helpless you are against me?" Oxx's growl had died down to a sweet purr.

Rolling the boy and sinking his teeth into the back of the young brute's neck, Oxx slammed him down onto his stomach, positioned his giant frame overtop of the black and blue wolf, aaaaand...

-fade fade fade fade fade fade fade-

After his complete show of dominance, Oxx gave a little shudder of satisfaction. Was the lesson learned? He hoped so. Now, Oxx was no dummy. He knew that something like this should light a fire of determination under this young wolf's tail. He knew that here was a possibility that the boy would come back bigger, better, more skilled. Honestly, that's what he was counting on. Life was boring sometimes and it might be nice to have someone gunning for him for once. The game to end all games. Ah... such a nice thought. Then again... the boy could totally disappoint him. Turn into a tuck-tailed little pussy and never leave the protective walls of his castle again. Hmmph. No.

"You know," he began, still standing over the smaller brute. "I think I'm going to let you live with the humiliation that you've just suffered. You deserve that, right?" Again, Oxx latched his teeth into the boy's flesh, grabbing him by the neck and shoulder to drag him across the icy, rocky ground. No doubt some of those rocks could have cut the kid up pretty badly, but Oxx obviously didn't care. He pulled the black and blue wolf to a rocky outcropping that hung over the quickly rushing river. Dropping him on the very edge, Oxx lowered his muzzle until it was next to the boys head. "I'll be seeing you, kid. I'm keeping the sword though." And with that, he gave the young brute a rough kick to the ribs, sending him over the edge and into the drink. What happened to the boy now was up to him and whatever gods watched over him. Not really caring for the sword, Oxx took the hilt between his teeth and dropped it point-first into the river. Hopefully it would get lodged in the bottom and the ice and snow would consume it.

With a smile and a little hmmph of accomplishment, Oxx turned and began prancing back towards where his few belongings were stashed. The skin of his mother bounced jovially upon his head with each step. "It was a very good day, wasn't it, mother dear?" The behemoth chuckled to himself as he moved back into the trees without another thought to the boy who may or may not be dead.


Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.