
Campfire Songs and Fishscales [Tel]

Possibly Take too?



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-16-2021, 12:42 AM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

She happily followed along at Ardyn's side, excited and eager for the camping trip they were going on. From the way it was described, it sounded like a lot of fun and she couldn't wait to go out on a little getaway. They spent a few hours skirting the border of the neighboring pack, though as they passed its borders, she was curious about the residents there. She made a not to ask about them later, as the girl was still new to the ways of pack wolves and had little to no knowledge of the packs that resided in the lands.

Her young mind didn't linger on that for long, however, as her gaze then turned to the raven that was above them. From what she understood, that was his companion. A creature that bonded with the boy and helped him out. She wondered if she would find creatures like that to bond with, and if it was a normal thing for everyone to have one, or just the wolves of Valhalla. Aurielle had a couple of companions herself, and Tel couldn't help but feel a little envious. Maybe someday she'd find something like that, but for now, she was content. As Ardyn called out to her, her attention drifted to him, watching as he dropped the supplies he had brought for them. She hadn't really brought anything herself, as the girl hadn't thought about it and forgot to ask before they left, but it seemed he had just about everything covered. She approached him, tail wagging with a bright and happy glow as she nodded to his question.

She didn't know what a yurt was, but today she would find out. The goal was to have fun, and no doubt she would learn a lot from him while they were out here. Taking a deep breath and looking out over the ledge from where they stood, she could see a lot of land for miles and miles. It was breathtaking, to say the least. Up until now, she had mostly stayed around Valhalla and the surrounding lands. "You chose a good spot, Ardyn! It's pretty up here!" She turned to him, a big bright smile on her ethereal features. "I'd be delighted to learn how to fish, I've never done that before. I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun out here!"
