
Blue Skies


08-07-2013, 11:32 PM

She was surprised to find another wolf in her part of the woods. Aeil thought that if anyone was out, they would try to be in the shadier parts of Seracia's lands. The unexpected company wasn't a problem, though; Aeil enjoyed seeing another member around the same part of ground she was. The scents of Seracia's members and its land reached her nose from the unnamed figure that was approaching her. The slight bump didn't phase Aeil as she perked her ears and took in the red splashed detail on her pelt.
The white and red fae spoke to her and she was then shot with a memory of talking to Queen Epiphron. Since the Princess's husband had been made King, they would have changed the titles anyway. With this thought in mind, Aeil wasn't sure how it would affect her meeting this unfamiliar fae. Nonetheless, her natural friendly demeanor shined in the words that she spoke in return to her visitor. "Good morning to you, dear lady," she replied. Light blue eyes twinkled in her wake, taking notice of the ways her newfound companion was acting. Something seemed to be bothering her...maybe there was something Aeil could do for her? She would find out sooner or later. "It is a lovely day, although the heat is something I don't prefer contending with." She saw Kamala look at the river and her gaze moved to it as well. "The water certainly has a way about it. I've been trying to ignore its calls to get me to slip underneath the surface to cool down..." She then looked up at the female again. "But, I don't think I could fight the current too long before being washed down current."
Aeil leaned back against the tree and started to satisfy an itch that had found itself at an untouchable spot. She pushed herself up and down on her hind legs, rubbing the area free of the itch before she asked Kamala, "What brings you out here today? I didn't think many wolves found themselves in this part of Seracia?"
