
it's not the same without you



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-16-2021, 05:45 AM
She didn’t retreat from him as Haiku stepped forward hesitantly, feeling himself offer her affection without even thinking. His family had always been affectionate, Haiku had always been naturally affectionate. Thankfully Bowen was receptive to him. He smiled softly as he pulled away slightly. There was something about her now, he didn’t want to venture too far away. He wanted to hold her in his arms and just softly whisper that everything was going to be okay. Bowen seemed to have the same idea and she pressed forward into his chest. Dark ears fell to his skull, for a moment he hesitated if only because of his own uncertainties.

She was warm and small, and fit so well against him he moved almost on instinct. A massive white marked arm wrapped lightly around her shoulders as she admitted that she had missed him too. She apologized, but Haiku shook his head as he lowered it over her smaller features. There was sadness in her voice, only barely alluding to the terrible life she had been forced into. Her raven had tried so hard to get to them, and like Prose, there had been no way to connect. She was trapped far far away, and his own raven had no idea where to start looking.

Haiku looked down at her, meeting her brilliant gaze with his own. There was a haunted look in her features behind her beautiful face. Haiku couldn’t begin to guess what she had been through, but he tightened his grasp just a little, offering his unconditional love quietly. ”Other than missing my friend?” He asked quietly as he tried to tease her lightly. He didn’t know what had happened in the past but they had this present moment together. If he could manage to just make her smile, maybe he’d help lift her spirits. ”I’ve been well, cooped up in Abaven mostly, but recently I’ve been searching. Hoping. Worrying that I might not ever see you again.” Tentatively Haiku lowered his head and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby