
it's not the same without you



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-16-2021, 06:22 AM
He managed to elicit a tiny chuckle from her caramel lips and the young man felt his own pull back into a smile. He’d given her a tiny taste of amusement, after seeing the haunting look in her pretty gaze it was more than he realized he had ever wanted or needed from her. To hear such a carefree sound from his troubled friend meant everything to the young Destruction. She pressed against him, and he could feel her share in the strength he possessed. He might not ever know what she had been through, nor was he certain he wanted her to tell him, but he was here for her now. There was no threat against her that he would allow to touch her.

Bowen shifted slightly as he lowered his lips to her forehead. She sat back and eagerly wrapped her thin arms around him, holding him tightly. His arm pulled her closer to him as well, holding her tightly in silent promise that she was safe. He wouldn’t allow anything to hurt her. Her whisper like voice reached his dark ears as she asked him to never let her go. He was her hero, how could he deny such a desperate request of his poor friend. This broken girl he felt so strongly for. Could he stay here and hold her forever? With her nestled in his embrace like this he could say yes, absolutely, he’d never let her go again. Thoughts of the rest of his family in Abaven only barely touched in his mind. Bowen needed him, and he would be loathe to deny her.

”I won't.” He promised her softly, nuzzling gently into the soft fur of her candy colored ears. Haiku knew he wanted to keep hold of her in his protective embrace, deep down in his soul he wanted to lift her. He wanted to protect her, to keep her harbored in the safe shelter of his heart, to promise her that she would never again experience what had happened across the sea. ”I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” Haiku whispered softly, squeezing her lightly as he apologized. He was much younger when he had stopped hearing from her, there was no way he could have prevented her disappearance. Had he been there though, maybe she wouldn’t be quite as broken in his arms now.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby