
Blood On The Air




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-16-2021, 07:07 AM

Snow blew hard across the open stretch of land. It gusted and rose up like great, white monsters. It made Eska's quarry difficult to see. The only telltale sign of the great white bear as it pushed across the land was the swath of vibrant red blood along one wide hip. Eska and her dogs had been tracking the beast for some time. They had come upon the bear, the biggest she'd ever seen, feasting on the corpse of a rogue wolf. There had been no pack scent over the smell of blood, but she couldn't let a wolf eater live. Not when the next target could be one of her packmates, her family members... No. Justice was necessary.

Eska, Baz and Avaset trailed the bear North after she had backtracked to collect her companions. By the time they reached the place where the bear had been, it was long gone. The trio of canines did their best to follow the bears scent. It too them ever northward, out of the warm weather of Auster and into the cooler, snowy climes of Boreas. None of the canines wanted to trek through the snow, but again... a wolf eater couldn't be allowed to live.

Up above, the sun was all but wiped out by the blowing snow. The trio and their quarry was in the center of a rogue squall. Cones of snow swirled up into the skies, limiting visibility. During one lapse in the storm, the bear had risen up right in front of them. The three canines had latched into its haunch and Eska had gotten a good bite in that brought blood welling into her maw. The bear had spun and swiped at her and just like that, the storm, as though it had just been taking a breath, resumed its blowing. The bear was lost in the white curtain of snow and the trio was left tracking it once more. Ah, but at least they could smell the rich tang of blood on the wind now. It would be much easier to track this way.
