
it's not the same without you



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-16-2021, 03:32 PM
If they wished to survive more than a few days into the future he was going to have to break his promise sooner or later, but at the very least he’d hold her until she pulled away. Haiku tilted his head as she shifted when he’d tried to apologize. If he could have made one wish it would have been to ask her to stay with him in Abaven when she announced she was leaving for Auster. That thought would strike him deep, but he wouldn’t try and argue with her as she told him not to be sorry. Bowen was right, she was here with him now after such a long time. After he believed her dead. What he didn’t believe was that she was okay, not that she would let him argue that point as she lifted herself to wrap her arms more securely around his neck.

It felt like the next moment was just a blur. Her delicate lips pressed to his tenderly and Haiku’s brain misfired or took a break or something. All he knew was the incredible feelings that filled him when her lips touched his. He blinked his stunned eyes in surprise as she pulled away and slid down his chest. He only really regained full function of his faculties when she was apologizing into his fur.

”What? No, Bowen. Don’t be sorry, I..” He grasped unintelligibly for words to describe. ”” He settled on with a grin before he realized how deeply upset she was. She pulled away from him, though for a moment the naive boy did try to keep hold of her like he had promised. Then she was in the water, another apology on her lips, with her sweet nickname that suddenly meant everything to him.

”Please don’t be, I didn't mean it. I just..” Dark ears were slicked back to her head hung low as he followed her hesitantly into the surf. ”I promised I wouldn’t let go, didn’t I?”

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby