
Nature Video



08-08-2013, 02:19 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2013, 02:20 AM by Maija.)

Her gaze never left him as he spoke and then settled down in front of her. Mentally, Maija wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. Usually, when Dragomir reclined to his stomach near her, she would automatically rise and settle beside him with nuzzles and affectionate words in Romanian. However, Cael wasn't her husband. He was a stranger who came by to help her in her time of need. She hated to admit it, but she considered her leg lucky to have had a Healer pass by her part of Alacritis.
With a wary eye and heart, Maija took in his features. Cael was laidback, relaxed, and had a positive aura about him. She wasn't used to the goodness that was coming from him, but she decided that since most auras spoke true of the people they represented, he wouldn't be bad company. A soft snort escaped her nose and she slowly pulled her front paws back from the male, making their shared distance a tiny bit larger.
He was curious about her many wolves had she met like that? Not many, apparently, since she still didn't know how to respond to it. With a small feeling of resentment hanging in the thoughts of her mind, she answered his question. "Maija." Maija's eyes remained isolated, keeping the emotions she usually bottled up from another's reach. Her muscles tensed as she looked to the side and concluded with, "Maija Artenie-Milkos." Dragomir's last name attached to hers made her miss him terribly, even if he wasn't aware of it.
Maija pushed such thoughts away and returned to the male in front of her. No point in talking to a stranger about her married situation. It wouldn't do any good anyway. "I suppose you have heard such names before in your lifetime." A flick of her tail confirmed her chiding comment, even if her tone didn't carry the humor that wasn't meant to be shown.

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