
A bit of exploration




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-16-2021, 06:21 PM

Naiche was constantly finding himself proud of his son.  Sure, the child was young and had a long way to go but he had a fire and confidence that spoke a great future in Naiche’s mind.  The boy would grow up strong, he’d earn himself a high rank in a pack and be well respected.  That was the life Naiche imagined for him.

At his guess on how to kill an alligator, Naiche glanced to him and gave a hesitant nod, “The belly is the most tender spot, but its not easy to reach.  Have you seen one before?” Naiche was guessing not but perhaps he was wrong.  “Their scales on top are thick and solid.” Naiche considered the boy's fangs, “You can’t easily bite through that.” Arcturus did have those long fangs that might give him an edge but Naiche wasn’t about to mention the possibility and have his son test it.  “Their belly doesn’t have the scales but they have short legs and stay low to the ground.  If it bites you, best case scenario you lose a part of your body, like a leg.”  Naiche shrugged instead of saying worst-case scenario, it seemed obvious.

“Mort and I teamed up on it in the water.  I distracted it from above while Mort got to its body underwater.  He has those long claws to get a grip on it as he tore in.  Their muzzle is extremely long filled with powerful jaws and sharp teeth.”  He could describe the monster but it would do no good without seeing it.  “Its tail is also a weapon with how solid it is were he to strike you with it.  So the belly if you can get to it is great.  Otherwise, you’d need strong power to puncture the upper flesh, and never let it bite you.”  Of course what Naiche would find as good conversation would be how to fight a predator.  Fighting was the best topic majority of the time.

Naiche was enjoying the walk through the mangroves.  It had a pleasant view and it was just something different than home.  Truth be told there was a part of him that did enjoy roaming the land and exploring.  If only it wasn’t winter.  After last winter Naiche hated the season though this one was certainly far milder.  

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]