
it's not the same without you



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-16-2021, 06:38 PM
There was nothing from his stores of plants and little herbs that would be able to help his sweet friend. She had been changed, ruined, for the rest of her life. Haiku could do nothing to alleviate the suffering she carried with her. There was really only one thing, and as she said it wasn’t much of a cure. There was only the suppression of the side effects. She couldn’t ask him for that. It was Haiku’s turn to look away. He wanted to help, he wanted so badly to help make her feel better. Was smothering her symptoms for a few moments even helping? ”I would,” he looked back up to her as he offered his quiet but determined words. However she needed him, but there was part of her that was fighting not to. He didn’t want to disrupt her internal battle but he wanted so bad to soothe her.

He wanted to go back to those perfect moments, Her arms wrapped around his neck and her caramel lips against his own. The most perfect moment he had ever felt. He couldn’t play back time, he couldn’t keep her safe like she deserved, and this problem plagued her and wasn’t going away. Haiku could have wept for his friend, the sorrow in her voice, the defeat in her stance as she longed for the eternal ocean. And he stood there, helpless to save this mermaid on the beach.

Having made up her mind Bowen was quick to change the subject, but Haiku felt even more lost with the sudden shift. Should he stay standing close? Should they swim? Could he ever touch her again? He tried to shove away the thoughts but he struggled not thinking about it all. ”Well,” he was still caught off guard. ”It had been so long since Prose had seen any sign of you.. I guess I was coming to say my last goodbyes.” He looked back up towards her, feeling that fresh wound. Of having to realize he was wrong, she hadn’t died that quick painless release that he had hoped for her. She was broken, but she was still standing before him.

”I’d.. I’d like that a lot. Are you sure though?” He couldn’t stop thinking about what she told him, that their closeness had caused her such discomfort. Dark ears lowered to his skull his tilted features sought out her aquamarine gaze, he realized how similar her gaze was to the blue green waters.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby