
Do You Feel Lucky? Well? Do Ya!?

open spar



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-16-2021, 06:56 PM

She didn't have to wait for long before a boy had come to join her. His coat was dark, smelled of a pack, and he was much bigger than she was. Amber gaze eyed him curiously, though he said nothing. She knew of all the packs that resided in the lands. She had skirted their borders to get from one place to the next, but she hadn't bothered to stop and check them out. She didn't trust easily after everything with Tyranis...but...well, that was all behind her now.

It was just a shame how everything in her past shaped who she was now.

When it was clear the youth wasn't going to say anything, she prepared herself by setting the defenses that came naturally to her. Molten gaze narrowed, her tail lightly grazing her hocks before she brought it up to align with her spine. Dainty toes easily gripped the ground. In all her years, she had fought many different sized wolves. But she couldn't remember if she had fought someone as large as him. That was fine. She'd learn today, she supposed.

When she was ready, she took off. Bolting towards him. While she wasn't strong, especially compared to him, she was fast. She sought to come at him head on before deciding at the last second to dart towards her own left. Her goal was to bolt past, though not before aiming to swipe a foreleg out from under him in an effort to compromise his balance. As she did so, her jaws would part, crown tilting towards his abdomen as she sought to also get a quick bite at his ribs. Though that was more for discomfort, but if she drew blood, then so be it.

Paradise vs Grimshaw for Spar
Round: 1/?
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Skills: Novice Fighter & Advanced Navigator


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