
Blood On The Air




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-16-2021, 07:23 PM

With the dogs pulling the bear from either side, it allowed the brute enough time to dive in face first. Eska visibly winced as he went straight for the bears throat. This wasn't a grizzle and so there wasn't that wide layer of fat around the bears jaw, but still... it was a bear. Baz and Ava changed tactics, taking up where their mistress left off and attacking the tendons in the ursine's heels. If the stranger was going to risk his life like that, they needed to up their game and help as much as possible.

With the bear whipping back and forth, trying to rid itself of its attackers, it was difficult for Eska to gauge its motion so that she could make a strategic attack. Thankfully, Baz managed to pull the bears right hind leg out from under it and the pallid beast crashed down to one knee. Its thrashing stilled and Eska took this chance to make her attack.

Like lightning, the silver streaked woman ducked below the bears head, following suit and sinking her own teeth into the opposite side of the bears throat. Avaset had switched from the bears heels and was now rending flesh in one from paw. The beast fought against them, but in the end it would be to no avail. It seemed that the mottled brute had severed an artery. Where there had once been white snow was now a pool of red beneath them. They'd all be a mess after this, but it would be worth it.

Gradually, the bears strength waned and it dropped to the ground. Eska's hind paws had touched earth first, so she was ready for it and thus didn't get crushed beneath the beasts girth. She had to adjust her bite just the slightest bit, but held on until the bears heart beat its last. Only then did she release and step back, her bloodied maw parting as she panted, sides heaving, trying to catch her breath.
