
Its Hard to Say Goodbye



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-16-2021, 09:28 PM

Naiche was determined to make sure he gave his son as much attention as he could while Arc was still young.  Naiche wouldn’t repeat the mistakes of his family and break apart.  Arc would grow up knowing his dad loved him and was proud of him.  Naiche imagined lots of time spent training and sparring until the day Naiche’s child would come out the winner.  That was the future of course, for now, he had a young child that was still learning the fine details of fighting.  

Today Naiche wanted to give Arc a chance to show off.  Naiche was no master hunter to train in hunting but he knew Arc was getting lessons from Asla.  She was a great hunter and surely taught the boy well.  How far along was he in hunting?  How much time did he spend training in hunting versus time spent training in fighting?  Did he play in any way besides fighting and hunting?  Naiche thought back and remembered being a pretty carefree pup with little concern for the dangers of the real world or need to be a great fighter.  He had been a naïve fool.  Arc was far more aware of the importance of training.

So after taking Arc to patrol the border he would set out for the weeping woods, as normal Pan riding on his back as they went.  Naiche would stop just a bit inside the edge of the woods before glancing at Arc, “I know your mom’s been teaching you how to hunt.  How about you show your dad how good you’ve gotten at it?  I imagine you’ll be better than me at hunting once you’re a bit older.”  He’d gain in experience and continue to grow stronger and faster.

A fresh layer of snow was on the ground though not to deep.  Spots of moist grass could be seen where their paws kicked up the snow.  Hopefully, it didn’t get deeper than this.  Naiche hoped to never see a blizzard again.  Occasionally the wind would blow, sending the branches swaying and picking up some of the snowflakes and sending them dancing.  The waterways weren’t completely frozen through but there was ice at the edges.  This wouldn’t be as nice as hunting in spring but stomachs don’t only growl in the spring.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think