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The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-18-2021, 10:42 AM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2021, 12:10 PM by Bowen. Edited 1 time in total.)

She wasn't certain whether Art would pull her in or push her away when she placed that first kiss on his lips, but she confessed her love for him anyway. He deserved to know that he had filled her every waking thought since her return. They were grown now and their relationship had taken a turn, but he had been her favorite before all of this as well. More so than her other siblings or her parents, Art was the one that she had wanted to come home to. Now she was here. They were here. Together, standing beside the fire in the great hall of their home. They were together and she had kissed him. She had only to wait to see what his reaction might be, but her conscience was clear.

The shock that crossed his features made Bowen worry for just a moment until she looked into his eyes once more. Pure, unadulterated love and lust shone within his firelit gaze and he uttered the very words that she had wished to hear in return. He loved her. Yes, they had loved one another anyway as they were family, but this was something different. This was a different level of love. A different type. Had Bowen grown up with Artorias, perhaps they would have developed this love long ago and would have ended up together, just the two of them. Sadly, that was not the case and they would have to make due with what their current relationships allowed them. If Briar and Haiku were okay with the love between the two siblings, then there was nothing that Bowen wouldn't do for Artorias.

Again their lips met and this time it was met equally on both sides. Artorias cupped one ivory and copper cheek while Bowen raised one mahogany paw  to rest on his chest, just over his heart. She could feel the steady, strong beat against her pallid pads and smiled into the kiss before drawing her claws lightly through his fur. The progression of their kiss soon had the two feeding at one another's mouths like they were both starving. He tasted exquisite. Just how she had wanted him to taste. Sweet and robust and so very, very male. Bowen would never tire of the taste of him.

Every brush of paw across her body filled Bowen with lustful electricity. It was a miracle that she didn't burn up right where she stood. Everything was so perfect. So very, very right. When he slid his paw behind her and pulled their bodies together, Bowen unabashedly moaned into their kiss. Heavily lashed lids slid closed and she relished in the feel of their heated bodies touching. But it wasn't enough. She wanted so much more. So very much more.

Breaking the kiss, Bowen panted lightly, still keeping her lips so very close to his. That constant thrum of need was banging around inside her like a bird in a cage. The pressure within her needed to be released and she was worried that it would become too much by the time that she attained pleasure. Artorias had been wounded, after all. If he was unable to safely perform... then Haiku was upstairs and she would go to him, but tonight her hero wouldn't be enough.

"I need you, Torias," she whispered against his lips, her gaze lifting to meet his again. "I need you now." There were furs in front of the fire. Fuck decorum. Bowen pressed herself against her brother, sliding her muzzle alongside his own so that she could whisper into his ear. "Tonight I'm yours if you'll have me." Finally. Finally. The woman peeled herself from her brother's grasp and moved towards the pile of furs. "Unless the Aegis would rather not be seen fucking his sister in the great hall." She cast a come hither look in his direction, inviting him to with a glance to accept or deny her offer.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]