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"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
09-18-2021, 04:50 PM

This was what Artorias had wanted for them when he revealed his love for Bowen. A quiet, intimate moment, shared only by them in the privacy of their own world where he could confess his love for her, bear forth his heart and soul. It wasn't what he had gotten, but it had become what they made together. It was beautiful: warm and cast in gentle orange firelight, a perfect representation of the feelings the two siblings shared now given form through their kiss.

Through his lips and tongue he told her stories of the long days of search and nights of longing for her to come home, of the minutes he cherished walking with her through fields and over beaches and swimming in the sea, of the passion and love that had consumed his every waking thought and nightly dream. He was hers, for as much as their relationships would allow, and she would be his in the same manner. He had been hers since the moment he saw her in the cellar, but then again maybe he had been hers long before then too and not realized it. Maybe this love, this passion, this desire and lust was kismet. How many wolves would spend weeks trudging through snow and ice to find even the faintest trail to lead them to someone they loved? How many would give up where he had refused to?

Bowen's paw resting on his chest left fire radiating beneath his skin, his heart hammering just beneath her soft pads with an urgent need for her. Excitement sent his pulse racing in his veins. Her claws in his fur pulled a soft groan from the young brute while his tongue danced with hers in lustful choreography. She tasted divine; sweet and clean, and distinctly female. It fit her perfectly, and Artorias already knew he would be addicted to her feminine taste. In this perfect moment, he focused entirely on his lover in his arms, every touch tailored to her pleasure and arousal. He had been afraid to tell Bowen his feelings when he'd discovered them, but right here and now, everything just felt right. It didn't matter the blood bond they shared, their connection and their emotions were real and powerful and undeniable.

The sound of Bowen's moan drew a groan from Artorias in response, their sounds muffled by one another's mouths. Having her smaller, slender body pressed to his larger frame felt oh so right, like she belonged there. But Artorias knew it wouldn't be enough, not for him or for Bowen. He knew of her desires, of her condition, and it did nothing to mar her in his eyes. Their kiss broke, leaving both Carpathians breathing heavier. Neither pulled away more than enough to breathe. Lidded bedroom eyes found Bowen's own sultry gaze while she whispered her need for him. Gods, every time she said his name like that... Shivers of lust raced up his spine. She pressed her body to his and whispered in his ear that she was his tonight. The fireball in his belly exploded through his nerves. Of course he would have her. He would have her every opportunity he could get. Artorias' breathing hitched, watching with bewitched eyes while his beautiful nymph of a sister slipped away to move over to the furs in front of the fire, teasing him with her words and her come hither stare.

There was no hesitance in Artorias' movements when he rose to follow after her, eyes never leaving Bowen's while he came up behind her. A gentle nuzzle and nip to her hips just to tease her some more, drinking in her scent as he surrounded her smaller body with his own. Fuck decorum was right. Artorias cared little if anyone saw. The gods and demons of the universe could watch their mating for all he cared. Only Bowen mattered. "Let the world watch if it wishes," he replied, baritone voice a husky whisper drenched in desire. "I have nothing to be ashamed of." He felt no shame for the attraction he felt for Bowen, only unbridled love and lust. Concerns over his physical ability to perform weren't even in his mind. He would have Bowen tonight, and she would have him as often as she desired. Nothing was stopping them now. Nothing.

Artorias wrapped his strong forelegs around Bowen's midsection, but instead of mounting her, he instead lowered the young fae to the furs and turned her over onto her back. He could have had her any way imaginable and he would have been pleased, but he wanted to gaze into Bowen's eyes and see the ecstasy on her face for their first time. Holding her shimmering green gaze, Artorias positioned his body above hers, covering the girl in his larger form. One foreleg looped around her waist, holding her close to him while the other pressed his paw to the furs for stability, claws raking anxiously at the fur. He stared down in awe of her beauty as shadows and firelight flickered across her face, Artorias' heart missing beat after beat. "I need you, Bo," he whispered and brought his muzzle down to brush his lips against hers. Guiding his hips into position, Artorias found the familiar position over her, pausing for just long enough to brush his muzzle against the side of hers and move his snout up to her ear to whisper once more, "I love you."

Silhouetted and illuminated by the crackling fire, Artorias slowly sank himself into her. Quiet gasps and breathless groans escaped the young brute between heavy breaths as the fire consumed him alive. He lost himself in Bowen, giving everything he was to her in that moment. He followed the rhythms he'd learned from experience, his body moving in harmony to her own motions. Bowen was experienced, but so was he, and together they would conduct symphonies together. He clung to Bowen's body throughout their entire coupling, and as the pleasures and pressures built within him, Artorias let more and more of the fire within him out.

When they eventually reached their crescendo, Artorias moaned her name with all the burning passion in his heart. Not the name she'd heard on the ship as the pirates had her. The name of the girl who forever had a piece of his heart.


- naughty fade -

"Artorias" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.