
Clear Skies and New Hope



08-08-2013, 01:48 PM

She could feel him watching her carefully but she didn't want to hide from him. She felt like she would be able to trust him and confind in the white male. It was not often she could easily find someone to be so at ease with. Sure there was Demonio but he was just a friend. They both had found comfort in each other through their own depression. Neither one spoke about what had happened to them but they didnt need to. Here with Cael she didnt want to put her guard up around him but be open and let him see her for who she was. She felt safe enough to know he would not go around screaming that something was wrong with her.

She laid down to clean her paws, seeing clumps of dirt there. She listened to Cael wonder around her den. "We definitely certainly talk to Erani about it," She was glade he felt almost as excited as she was about training. It would be so much better. She still felt uneasy around Erani. It was not like she disliked the other female but Erani was wise. Wise enough to easily see through her walls she put up to try and hide her pain. If Cael was there with her, all of Erani's attention would not always be on her. She wondered if he had a den yet, if not should she offer to share her's. It was lonely in here. There would be alot of room still with two wolves living in here. Plenty enough to store herbs, make two beds and still have pack mate come to be treated. "How long have you been in Valhalla?" She paused in her cleaning to think. "Since the begining of spring. Hey...Cael would you like to say here? That is if you dont have a den yet.." She replied. She ducked her head slightly embarrassed. Why was she embarrassed? She had only offered her den. She scoffed at herself mentally and returned her blue gaze up at him.
