
Can You See What It Could Be?


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
09-19-2021, 11:26 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2021, 12:47 PM by Aliana. Edited 1 time in total.)
Chimera had made her moan, made her squirm and writhe in his powerful grasp as he masterfully brought her through a rollercoaster of pleasure with practiced swiped and rolls of his broad tongue. When he finished, Ali relaxed her body back to the spongy ground of moss and leaf litter, breathing heavier as her body tingled with the shockwaves of post-orgasm afterglow. But she knew they were far from done, and that was good because she was far from done with him. Chimera hadn't gotten off yet, and the king always got his due. Where once a slave had lain beneath him, accepting whatever he chose to give her, now a woman free in her decisions to love and lust after him arched her back to press her body toward his while he lay between her spread thighs like he always belonged there. Ali had tasted some of the pleasure Chimera wanted to bring her and she hungered for more. Who would've thought the demure slave would have had such a slutty streak in her for her alpha?

She gazed down the length of her body at him while he held her in big, powerful paws and licked his lips clean. She swallowed hard; had he enjoyed the taste of her? He must have, or he wouldn't be doing this for her. He proclaimed her the island's first, making her heart skip a beat for his heated words, then suggested they needed something more powerful. "Yes... Gods, yes...!" she whispered between short, heated breaths. She wanted Chimera over top of her, inside of her, sending her to those places only he could take her. As if reading her mind, the split-toned brute rose and climbed his way over top of her again, covering her with his thickly muscled form. Aliana couldn't help biting her lip, giving a quiet feminine moan as her eyes roamed down him, settling on parts of obvious arousal between his legs, suddenly finding herself wondering what he tasted like in turn. Perhaps she'd have to find out while they had the island alone to themselves. Had anyone ever done that for Chimera before?

She only looked back up again when Chimera kissed her, claiming her mouth with her own sweet taste on his lips and tongue. Aliana hummed and stroked his handsome face with soft touches, reveling in Chimera. Oh, how foolish she'd been to think he didn't care, that she'd never be anything to him like Siren and Viper were! Here he was, showing her exactly how much he cared! A fire blazed in Aliana, both from her tightening belly and from her racing heart. She couldn't identify the emotion, but she knew she wanted to be consumed by Chimera in every imaginable way. She was his, and she always wanted to be his. He told her to tell him what she wanted, and Ali paused, considering her options. Almost all of their sex happened with her on her belly and him mounting her while he held her neck, and while that ranked in the top best moments of her admittedly short sex life, this was special, and Ali wanted to share something special with Chimera.

"I want you to take me like this," said Ali, voice breathy and desperate with need. But before he began, she caught his face in her paws again to keep his mismatched eyes on hers, not done yet. "But I want you to fuck me like you do when you dominate me. Don't hold back for me, my King. Claim me, make me scream, show the world I'm yours. Just let me watch your face while you do." Stroking one snowy paw over his cheek and jaw, Ali craned her neck up to place a slow, submissive lick beneath his chin before she reclined back and tipped her head back to expose her throat and the black leather collar around her neck to him should he wish to hold her by her throat and choke her. She was his—wholly and irrevocably his. Ali just wanted to watch Chimera's expressions while he claimed her and when he reached his own peaks.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.