
The Once and Present Kings


08-08-2013, 02:22 PM

The mountain assured him that for the time being, all he needed was a drink and conversation. These were two things the King was ready and willing to give. As his pace picked back up and directed itself toward the lake, he found they crossed the distance in only moments. His head declined to the water level, lapping gingerly at the glassy surface of the lake. The water wasn't as cool as in winter, but it was still several degrees cooler than the air temperature - and therefore refreshing. He drank his fill and then rocked back to a sitting position, content to allow Gargoyle as much refreshment as he required. He knew not where the man had come from, or how long and taxing the journey had been.

As the mountain finished his drink he returned to their previous line of conversation, seeming to have never missed a beat at all. Gargoyle seemed to think it was easier now that they weren't confined to a specific pack boundary. The King supposed that made sense, particularly when certain wolves would purposely seek out said boundaries in order to threaten the pack within. As a nomadic group, the Snow Rogues could easily slip past the radar of threatening wolves and just migrate to new and safer locations. He mentioned killing two - no, three - rogues since their disbandment. Maverick was glad that the three bodies that lay in Seracian soil were not on such terms - save for his mother.

It seemed it was the King's turn to share information, as Gargoyle deftly switched the line of conversation to the Kingdom. The russet man spoke up, As you have already found, Seracia is under new reign. My wife and I have stepped up as King and Queen, and have shifted ranks as necessary. We saw the change in rulership coming, and were given fair warning of it - but certain circumstances brought it about sooner than even we could anticipate. My father was challenged by his former wife, Adette. She sought for Seracia, but then decided she would challenge for possession of Gerhardt himself. It was clear to all of us she had lost her sanity, but my father couldn't talk her down. They fought and in the end she begged him to take her life. He did so, but it sent him into a dark place emotionally. After those events he no longer saw himself as a fit King for Seracia, and so he handed the throne to me. He paused, realizing he'd just doled out a fair amount of information for Gargoyle to process. The news had taken a rather dark turn, but the King had saved their joyous news for last. He would wait for the mountain's reaction before telling him about his upcoming status as Father.
