
A Little Time For Us




Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-19-2021, 02:51 PM
Being with Bowen really was easy, they fit together naturally and their friendship didn’t even flinch with the time that passed since they sent their last messages to one another. In helping relieve her he’d become much closer to her. Even if the beginning was purely his desire to dry her tears there was little denying how emotional their relationship was becoming. How quickly he found himself falling for her, because he had no doubt in his mind he was in love. While she was distracted by the unique land he was fully engrossed in her. There was no sight on earth that would compare to watching her overlook the watery portal to infinity.

He finally managed to truly gain her attention when he kissed her pale lips. A grin spread over his features as she leaned against him and looked up into his vibrant gaze. She thanked him for accompanying her out here, but really he considered being her escort quite the privilege. Especially after thinking her gone from his life forever. ”It’s my pleasure, Bowen.” He gave her another nuzzle on the cheek before both continued in search of a place for camp. No matter what they were going to be forced to contend with sand, so when the island provided the perfect sandy oasis the pair easily agreed.

Haiku settled the pack from his back onto the sand and Bowen swiftly got to work unfolding and organizing. He made sure to set aside their evening meal as the caramel drizzled she wolf distracted him with her languid form spread across the bear skin. She beckoned him and the boy couldn’t drop what he was doing fast enough. Haiku sprawled beside her much smaller form, curling slightly around her as he made himself comfortable with a content sigh and soft humm. ”You’re looking a little lonely over here.” He smiled as he teased her softly. There was no secret that Haiku found her attractive and the way he gazed down at her now only enforced that fact.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby