
A Little Time For Us




Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-19-2021, 05:09 PM
Haiku was barely settled before Bowen was shifting him ever so slightly to fit herself against his chest and into his embrace. His huge white marked paw trailed along her belly and held her a little more close to him as she beamed up at him with her vast emerald gaze. She thanked her again, just for being so good to her, but he hadn’t seen any other outcome when they met. He’d never forgotten about her in all the time they were apart. He had worried for so long, he’d tried to hope, but in the end as soon as he let her go he’d found her. She didn’t really need to thank him, not when she mirrored his actions and affection. He never once felt like he was only filling a need, all he’d ever felt from her was gratitude and affection. Before he could say as much she told him there was more that she needed to talk to him about.

He listened quietly, dark ears perked forward and his silver tined blue and lavender gaze searching her features as she began quite a revelation. According to her brother’s girlfriend, Bowen’s brother was in love with her. His heart stopped in the uncertainty as he found himself replaying in his mind that they had made nothing between them official. He was a healer, he had to help his oldest friend, the girl who knew him as her hero. She avoided Artorias, but it wasn’t out of disgust. Haiku had mostly neutral feelings about romantic relationships with a close relative, he was pretty sure he’d never have a relationship like that himself.

What he was more concerned about was what she said next, his heart turned very cold as she admitted how she felt. Haiku felt confusion and hurt at the same time, but he didn’t let her go. She was telling him to be honest with him. He’d just been going along with whatever she had needed, not thinking about what was really going on behind their blissful time together. He didn’t know why she would bring him all the way out here just to break his heart, not that she had given any verbal hint that they were anything more than a couple of old friends.

”Oh, I see.” He said softly as she explained that she loved him, they slept together and she wanted as much of a relationship with him as she could. He remembered mention of his girlfriend, but he wouldn’t interrupt, it wouldn’t matter anyway. She spoke about Briar again though, telling him that she had already claimed the majority of Art’s heart. Haiku still didn’t know what she was getting at. She didn’t have to break up with him when they weren’t even really together. The reality of that hit him hard, but he had promised her and he wasn’t about to let her go. Mostly he was confused but also hurt, not that he could let her see. She should know that she could tell him anything. He’d be here for her… as her friend. Nervously his paw traced her spine, the boy not even thinking about what he was doing as she spoke.

Finally she ended with the note that Artorias couldn’t fully own her heart in return either, because there was someone else who had claimed it. Haiku wanted to hope it was him, but the cold that gripped him wouldn’t allow it. ”Do you… Do you want me to go?” He asked hesitantly. He would never want to get in the way of what was best for her. ”I don’t want to get in your way, or anything.” His own distress was hinted in his voice as he faced the reality that he was going to have to release her.

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby