
Lazier way to Hunt (craft)


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-19-2021, 06:49 PM

When Resin had shown Rudy they could create snares he had found it interesting in concept and sneaky style of attacking but at the same time rather boring.  Rudy loved sneaking about and spying but when it came to hunting prey he enjoyed the chase.  While the idea of a snare seemed a good trick it was also boring to make.  His mind could imagine the thrill of the hunt and his muscles could twitch in imagining the feel of running but there was not enough strength in his body to keep up with the imagined chase.

“Sorta,” Rudy’s half-hearted sort of answer.  Rudy was a cheery sort admittedly but being bored and knowing it would take time to be more active was hard to be excited over.  Rudy wasn’t made to sit still! Though, for now, he kind of was.  “See, I was thinking can’t really go chasing down a deer at the moment so I’d just go chasing rabbits,” Rudy quirked a brow at his brother with a smirk before letting out a bit of a sigh, “more like making a snare to set out to let a rabbit catch itself.  It’s boring but I imagine technically its working.” Rudy did offer his brother a moment of a brighter grin and wink, "You know at some point I'll be hunting before she approves.  You'll be fighting before she approves also."

He wasn’t so negative often and he was really glad to see Bowen back and even Art as he’d gone off to the armada for a while.  To Rudy, it didn’t seem he’d been gone so long but that was only because he’d been in a coma for some of the time.  “Mom was better at this than I am, its hard to get the braids tight but Savage is a good helper for it.  Reddy got me all the vines so I didn’t have to go far.” The last put in just in case Art was worried he was ranging far away already.

Rudy would pick up a strand of the vine, put it over another, and then a third wrapped the opposite direction then Savage moved forward tugging them tightly before the pattern repeated.  Rudy eyed the length of the thing unsure of how long to actually make it if just going for a little rabbit.  Too much was probably better than too little.

Glancing back up at Art, “So I guess gonna wait a few more days before I suggest a spar,” said with a smirk as well.  Yeah, right.  Arc could probably whack him over with hardly any effort.  Maybe Rudy was being overly dramatic on that, hopefully so.  “What about you?  I notied you weren’t just a visitor in the infirmary.  How are your wounds doing?  What sort of predator managed to do that to you anyway?”

Rudyard Carpathius