
winter wonderland



2 Years
09-19-2021, 06:51 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2021, 06:53 PM by Dream. Edited 1 time in total.)
[Image: Polish_20210919_195323131_copy_289x466_copy_231x372.jpg]

Only when he was confident that she had her legs did he draw away, sliding backwards easily so he wasn't in her way. Her words, still dripping with flirtacious tones, were nice in a way he didn't like to admit. But hell, he was a proud wolf and she was deffinitely right- ambition was sexy. "That's quite the compliment coming from a women who looks like the Gods painted her with the nights sky." he replied, certain that if anyone knew anything about being desireable, it was this bold femme before him.

At her next question the blonde feigned a thoughtful expression, taking a moment to think about what might impress her the most. It was a delicate balaance between picking a cool move and pushing it too far and wiping out, and he would prefer to avoid the later right now. "Hmmm, let's see." he mumbled as he scanned the lake around them, looking for the right thing.

"Okay, watch this." he said, fixing his gaze on his target. Shifting his grip on the ice so it was more nail than paw, he used the leverage to rush foreward with surprising speed before launching himself foreward into a slide. Shifting his weight sharply and using his nails to hook himself, he began to spin in a series of tight circles before breaking the spin and sliding backwards out onto the ice. He was a little dizzy, but had learned long ago that fixing your gaze helpped take the worst of it away, and green orbs were quick to land on Keetie again, looking to see if she liked his little trick or not. "What do you think- ten out of ten?"
