
Day one: How to romance your boyfriend



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
09-19-2021, 08:04 PM

Mortis, still figuring out how to do the whole romance thing - and was that really what he was doing here? He didn’t even know - chuckled shyly at his friend's words. Mortis gave one last look back at the Armada as they left it behind. It was going to be nice not to have to get up at the crack of dawn and perform patrols, or spend his afternoons hunting, and his middays training. He would still have to get in some training, and likely some hunting too, to keep them fed. But it would be different.

“Just us and the stars?” Mortis teased, his soft voice still shy. The weather held nicely as the two of them finished skirting around Ashen, skirting around the swamp, and making a beeline for the Gambirt Briar. A lot of the day lay behind them now, but that was okay. The two wolves were in decent shape, and the hike kept them warm.

“I forgot how brambly this place was” Mortis admitted as they hit the Briar. He had always elected to take the swimming route. Perhaps it would have been easier to hit the other side of the fjord, but he wasn’t sure if there was a path that would take them there without crossing into that pack nearby.

As the path between the cliff and the brambles thinned, they began to walk single file. Mortis taking the lead. Heights weren’t his thing, and he swallowed, trying not to let his attention stray too close to it. Instead, he glanced behind him. “How are you doing back th--” he squeaked as the ground crumbled under his leading paw. He felt himself start to unbalance, topple to the side - -
