
Lazier way to Hunt (craft)


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-19-2021, 08:31 PM

Rudy was proved right at Artorias laugh at the idea of resting unto their sister gave them the ‘ok’ to hunt or fight.  Neither one of their moms had taught them to be lazy and the drive for adventure or goals had kept them living a life of working to achieve different things, but neither simply lay about.

Enough rope potentially braided Rudy lowered his head to pick up one end of the rope and have it looping about so that a knot could be tied.  How did mom manage to do this without help?  Rudy considered it for a moment as he listened to Art talking about his sister and Briar having his head.  Briar huh?  How much time had the two spent together when he was in the armada anyway?

With a grimace, he glanced at Savage, “wrap that around for me? I can pull it tight once you do.” Right after telling Savage this he looked as Art’s tone changed to something much more somber.  A brother?  A brother had hurt Gwyn and done this to Art?  Art offered more answers and gave more questions as he explained the scenario and appearance of the wolf.  A brother had done that to mom’s remains?

Rudy’s muscles tensed, ears sliding back with his own anger as the words sank in.  He would have run off the moment Art left him if Rudy had thought he had any chance against this Oxx.  Artorias should be relieved for the moment that Rudy was weakened as there would have been no holding him back otherwise.  

Rudy squeezed his eyes shut a moment.  The enemy was not near them to fight and if Art in good health hadn’t been a good enough match Rudy would have been a joke.  His predictable brother told Rudy they had to avoid them.  Rudy considered Art with a serious gaze for several moments.  What were the odds Art didn’t plan to heal, train, and go after this threat again?  He was a danger to the family, wasn’t he?  What challenge would Art not take up?

Rudy let out a slow sigh, “I want to ignore you and charge off to get revenge for you and Gwynn, for mom’s memory, and to protect the pack.”  Rudy looked up at the sky for a moment then lowered his head to yank on the loose knot Savage had helped make, finishing the creation of the noose.  It didn’t bring him much satisfaction at this dour news.

“If you weren’t a match in a straight-out fight then I wouldn’t have been even before this.” The words were completely true and simply put.  What the devious Rudy didn’t add was that he would heal up, consider his own strategy and aim for revenge.  What coward would he be, what horrible of a brother would Rudy be if he didn’t want to protect and avenge?  However, he’d have to think up some creative way to fight, some way to get an edge on this monster.  He’d have plenty of time to think about it.

“Where did you meet him?  The fact you’re saying to avoid means he isn’t in the pack land or you’d just be leading all the knights out for a confrontation, use numbers to take him down.”  Artorias knew Rudy was willing to take risks, good at finding danger, and acted recklessly more than once.  Rudy didn’t want his brother to try and stop him so that meant not telling Art what he planned.  It wasn’t a lie, it just wasn’t admitting details.  Besides, Rudy had to wait before he could go after this Oxx so perhaps by that time Art wouldn’t be thinking about it.

A brother?  Resin had another son but it hadn’t been with them.  One so horrible as to dig up her grave, and stole her pelt?  What sort of sick brother was he?  Unless it was a lie.  “Do you think he really is our brother?” That would make it, even more, the Carpathius responsibility to be rid of.  If mom had brought a monster into this world then wasn’t it the family's job to get rid of Oxx before he could hurt others?

Rudyard Carpathius