
Working late at the office; don't wait up



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
09-20-2021, 02:18 AM
Chaos had been having a rough time of it, these past few seasons. His and Valkyrie's children were all but grown - though frankly they'd been more Valkyrie's kids than his from the start. He hadn't realized when he had agreed so wholeheartedly with Tyrian's arranged marriage between them just how hard it would be to watch his children raised in a culture he was an outsider in, a culture he didn't understand. While it added to Valk's own allure, watching his blood grow up so... alien to him, so unSaxe, it was like his pups had died still in the nest and been replaced. He loved them, loved Valk, but he could not relate to them when they did their Finnvi thing, and that made him feel locked out.

It didn't help that he was feeling his age more and more these days while Valkyrie was still young and healthy. Hell, it seemed sometimes that he was the only one of his family that was feeling his age. He was fairly certain his father was going to outlive him, even.

Overall it was a lot for him to deal with these days, which was why he was slouched in the shade of a tree getting quietly drunk. It seemed like a good idea at the time. He'd even traded a perfectly good pair of bracers for the foul tasting moonshine, but it wasn't like he was going to be good in a fight for much longer anyway so might as well get whatever poor pitiful use he could get out of them before he was too old and useless to even be worth his name.

Moodily he used one paw to swirl the liquid in the bowl before sticking his muzzle in to lap at it again despite the way it made his eyes water from the taste.

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write