
A bit of exploration




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
09-20-2021, 11:29 AM

The second that Bream gave a bob of his head in agreement to the "agreement" Arc laid out for him, the golden pup gave a huge grin and bounced in place, his tail wagging like crazy. It really didn't even cross his mind to ask his dad if he could keep the hawk around - he just wanted to be like his parents and have cool, helpful companions too! At least this bird wouldn't be all grumpy in the day time like Owl was. And Bream could help him catch fish! The osprey went back to eating its meal, but kept an eye turned toward Arc like he was learning the boy he would be following while Arc turned back toward his dad.

Arc looked up at Naiche with that excited grin still on his face, gray ears perking to catch the question he was asked. "Well I definitely wanted a companion like you and mom, but I wasn't looking for one I guess. But the way he caught that fish was so cool! He can help me hunt things!" Arc loved fighting, but hunting was probably his favorite thing of all, but really Bream would probably be a big help for fighting and hunting so he was excited to get to know Bream and see what he could do! A thought crossed his mind and his face lit up again, his tail wagging. "Come on! We gotta get back! I gotta show Bream to Tira!" He bounced in place with excitement at that, grinning at the thought of showing off his new buddy to his sister. "Come on, Bream! Lets go!" he called back over his shoulder as he started running off toward the pack's border. The osprey looked up from it's mostly finished fish, dropping it so he could take flight and follow after his small master.

"Arcturus Fatalis"