
postmark my compass

for Tyto



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
09-20-2021, 07:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2021, 08:37 AM by Caelia. Edited 4 times in total.)

It'd been a long while since Caelia had gone so far north. Lately she kept close to home more often than not, occasionally following a prey's scent trail further than she expected, but rarely did that happen. Valhalla's lands were generally plentiful with prey and resources, and neither had been threatened for a long while now. Except for the bitterly cold previous winter, one that had seemingly stretched on for multiple seasons, things had been pleasant enough - Caelia had no room for complaint, yet still she felt restless. Truthfully she hardly remembered what feeling at peace was like. It was an elusive feeling, one she couldn't recall having felt since before her mother's passing. She certainly hadn't felt it since so many of her siblings had dispersed either.

But something about this place made her feel at ease, if only for a moment. Night was slowly beginning to fall, the sun beginning its descent beneath the horizon and casting the world into a slow enveloping darkness. The air had a sharp bite to it as it whipped past her, ruffling her coat and threatening to send her light form toppling over. She maintained her mostly-steady posture where she stood tall at the edge of the falls. Below her was a sharp, unforgiving rocky cliff. She doubted anyone could survive a fall from this height, though she didn't intend to try either. Instead she simply stood and watched - watched a flock of birds circling far to the southwest of her, in the direction of her home; to the east she could see the sea and and a strange island just beyond. Behind her was a taller peak that she wouldn't try to climb, deciding that this height was enough to let her clear her mind and hopefully find some clarity.

Her thoughts were distracted by the sudden sights though. Not far off she saw a spark of color, appearing suddenly as the daylight faded - a tight cluster of blue and purple lights drifting lazily far below the rushing falls. If she knew better she'd swear they were fireflies, but she'd never seen fireflies this color before. There was plenty about the world she didn't know though, so it was hard to be sure, but the strange sight made her feel uneasy for reasons she couldn't explain. Even the moon had an eerie aura to it, appearing large in the sky long before the sun even started to set, and growing brighter with each moment that passed.