
not looking for a dowry, i promise



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
09-21-2021, 09:14 AM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2021, 09:14 AM by Thalia. Edited 1 time in total.)
It'd been too long since she'd been home. With each step she took toward home she felt anxiety growing where there should've been excitement - not that she wasn't eager to reunite with Eligos, of course she was, but it was drowned out by the overwhelming feeling of nervousness. That wasn't really saying much though, as Thalia had always been an anxious wolf and time hadn't changed that much, she was simply good at hiding it. At least to most wolves. She knew Eligos could sense her unease before others were able to. As she called for him she took in a shaky breath, leaning against Theory as if somehow she might steady her.

Once Eligos came into view the russet-furred woman instinctively pulled away and straightened her posture. It was Eligos, but he looked notably different. Not only did he look older, but he now had... horns. It was a peculiar sight but far from the strangest thing she'd ever seen; she could only take it as a sign. Their God was pleased with the direction Eligos had taken Aerie and He had rewarded them justly. But that was a story for another time, she figured. The sight amused her so thoroughly that it was hard to hold on to her nervousness completely, letting a faint smile touch her lips, though his worried tone grounded her again. "Eligos," she greeted him warmly, with as much warmth as she could ever muster, so glad to see him that she very nearly embraced him.

Instead she simply drew close, giving him a good once-over. "No, nothing is wrong at all, but I've been gone without word for too long - and for that I apologize. You look well, though," she observed. She could only hope the rest of Aerie was faring similarly. They'd suffered too much lost in the past to possibly endure any more hardship. "I wanted to bring Theory to visit, though.." She hadn't told Theory directly of her plans, but her mind had been buzzing with ideas the entire way here. Securing an alliance with Abaven would only be profitable for them both, Thalia was certain of that. "I wanted to facilitate a discussion about a possible alliance between our packs. If you'll humor me, the two of you," Thalia suggested, sounding infinitely more confident than she felt.

This was the only way, she knew that for a fact after a long season or two of mulling over it. This was what was meant to be. This was precisely what Eligos had wanted, from the moment he'd become Aerie's leader. With Abaven's numbers and Aerie's ruthlessness she knew the relationship would be profitable for them both, if only they agreed.