
I need someone, not just anyone



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Intermediate Hunter (55)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-22-2021, 08:44 AM
He struggled with her up the flight of stairs, it was not an easy task but the boy was determined. With his careful efforts Ysmir helped the girl up the obstacle and helped her down the hall to her room. Ysmir had the thought that if he had to climb a staircase, unnatural and even, up to the moon carrying Gwyn he would have. He didn’t know why he felt so much devotion towards the girl who was really a stranger to him. It went against everything he had grown up with. Still, he remained at her side, very nearly ducking under her when they were but a few steps away. The boy resisted, unable to even ask, and knowing she likely wouldn’t appreciate his efforts.

All of the difficulties in the task were rewarded when the door swung open and Gwynevere relaxed. The build of tension hadn’t been lost on him, her stiff movements were palpable in the change that overcame her when they walked through the threshold. Her movements were fluid and soft as he helped her into the pile of soft furs at the center of the room. She eased herself down and she looked the most comfortable she had been since he found her. The way she looked up at him, she didn’t even have to say that she was grateful because it was so obviously written on her face. Her sweet smile and tired but beautiful eyes were all the payment he might need.

Ysmir could hear his mother’s suggestion that now the Hallows could be held in their debt but he ignored it. This was between him and Gwynevere, not that he could tell anyone at home anyway. Instead the boy grinned back bashfully, he really didn’t feel like he was going out of his way, not when he enjoyed her presence so much.

He didn’t really have an exit plan, he’d stay as long as she needed him to. Instead of sending him off to a guest room, or home, she asked timidly if he would stay, and her desire for that as well. Ysmir smiled and nodded slowly. He wouldn’t be missed for a night... or two. Ysmir tilted his head though, unable to relay the question of her. He didn’t have a preference sleeping close, or in another room. However much he wanted to remain here with her. She was the one who would decide where she was comfortable.
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.