
Gone with the sun



Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Healer (90)

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-22-2021, 02:16 PM

The Warlord might call Lia an Armada wolf, but as far as she was concerned she wasn't a pack-creature. She was a slave, and her Masters weren't here. She had passed the message on to Sirius that the bird had given her. With it, the knowledge that Artorias was injured. Now, she returned to an empty den and stared in silence and the walls that surrounded her. Even Mortis and his friend had gone off on an adventure. She was surrounded by silence, and the sound of her own breathing.

It took longer then she wished to admit to work up the courage to get back to her paws. To make her way to the packs border. Longer still to take a step over it. Ears to her skull, and tail tucked between her legs. She expected any moment to find that that white wolf had been lying in wait for his chance at revenge. Quivering in her skin, she plunged onwards. Following the line of Ashens border to lead her around to the path thay directed to Auster. She didn't know where she was going, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She belonged to those two wolves, she needed them. Artorias was injured, and Briar was facing that challange of seeing him injured. They might know it, but they needed her. And she needed them. Needed them more then her fear compelled her to cover down in the grass and stay there.

She could do this.

From there, she followed the shoreline, bringing her down to Auster. She borrowed through the thorns at its edges, careful not to snag her pristine coat, but she didn't always manage to keep clear. By thr time she hit the landbridge, night had fallen. If there was a castle to see in the distance to guide her in home, she couldn't see it. Once night stated to fall, the light went quickly. Soon, she was surrounded by nothing but darkness and lapping waves. She hunkered down on the sand, ears to her skull. She wanted so desperately to get back to her feet. Surely the hollows was only around the next rise... but she was exhausted and frightened. She couldn't move, her willpower was spent.

[Image: 2f7uv49.png]