
Gone with the sun



2 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverOverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSnake EyesCritical Block!
By the skin of my teethThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-22-2021, 05:52 PM

Takeshi had been doing a late round of the borders when he’d come across the scent of an Armada wolf on the wind. It was a scent he knew well, they shared a border after all, not to mention he was frequently within the borders training with Sirius or using their training center. His head tilted curiously as he stood on the Archipelago island nearest to Auster, the island that had previously belonged to Siren, Chimera and their band before they’d shipped off somewhere else. It was interesting, seeing what they’d been up to. It was surprisingly mundane, not that he’d expected a bunch of boar heads on pikes to be lining the outskirts...but one never knew with Chimera.

The boy made his way into the waters, biting his tongue as the cold bit at the skin beneath his thick winter pelt. The swim from Ibon to the bifrost was perhaps 10 minutes, but with the biting temperature it felt much longer. Benjiro and Amaya made the journey alongside him, the panting breaths of all echoing through the air along with the lapping waves. Finally, they ran ashore. Water stream from his pelt as he beached, his massive body giving a shake to rid itself of excess water. After a few moments, steam began to rise from him as the warmth from his body, fresh from vigorous exercise, began to evaporate the water. The bioluminescence from his scales, eyes and mouth cast a ghastly red glow onto the steam, looking as though red smoke unfurled from his body. He took off at a jog, trying to keep warm in the cold weather as he headed toward the scent. As he drew closer, he noticed a girl cowering against the sand, the scent of their allies wafting from her identifying her as the source. A small frown drew came from his lips and he offered a bark of greeting, his companions at his side.

In the dark, he paid no thought to the fact that he likely looked like a demon, complete with dark ram horns, immense size, glowing red scales and what looked like red smoke coming from his body.

"Thoughts/expression intention"

[Image: takechibisig.png]