
Bison BBQ Night [Pack Hunt!]



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-22-2021, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2021, 05:53 PM by Drachen. Edited 1 time in total.)

So that was that and the males present all agreed to a melee and went back to focusing on their work, Drachen's mind drifting to the up coming melee. The last time he had any sort of fight was when his half brother and his followers decided to kill him and he had been able to fight them off enough before he leapt off the side of the cliff and into the stormy sea below. The black and tan male shuddered as he remembered how the frigid water closed over his head and nearly stole his breath away before the current took him out to sea. He huffed a soft breath through his nose before he brought his attention back to the present. Luckily, the incident did not create an aversion to fighting as his heart thrummed in excitement. He made a few more fine slices before Ardyn's gaze caught his attention and he nodded his dark head at the younger male before stepping back to allow the bison to fall.

The conversation then turned to their neighbors and when they would raid, Drachen's dark ear flicked in a silent response. He had participated in the last raid, though only in the way of guarding the healers and nothing too much happened there. They had won in the end and the concept of friendly raids with the closest pack was a bit of a strange concept to the Vaekhal male but he could appreciate the thought process behind it. "Best to keep our eyes and ears open even if things are quiet." Drachen rumbled softly, his deep blue eyes flicking to meet both males before returning to the next area of skinning. After this area he would be done and it looked like the bison hide would be completely removed from the meat. "With how the seasons have been so cold it would not be a farfetched idea that they would raid for supplies sooner rather than later. Especially with winter around the corner." the male finished, his tan brows furrowing slightly as he reached a fairly difficult spot and his makeshift knife was not as dexterous as fingerlike claws of his companion.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated