


08-08-2013, 05:24 PM
hoorah for recycled posts
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Dainty paws padded the earth as the vivacious viper searched for a secluded area to devour the poor creature that had fallen victim to her bleached incisors, elongated limbs propelling the wench nearer to the area she had dubbed home where her vulnerable whelps resided. The small carcass encased within her jaws swung limply with every stride the pallid babe took, blood dripping from the areas her teeth had pierced, painting a crimson trail for bystanders to follow should they seek a gored corpse and its bloodied killer ? not that the meal was much to shed blood over, anyway, but scavengers were often blinded by their greed. The infamous smirk she so typically possessed caressed her countenance at the thought of having to defend a mere hare from a starved rogue, but the amused expression vanished from her visage as her pupils caught a glimpse of a reflective object in the distance.

She maneuvered towards it with intrigue, her brows furrowing upon her forehead as she approached the unique landscape of what appeared to be a beach ? but instead of sand littering the runway to the waters, it was a foreign and dark substance that reflected the sun?s light peculiarly. Wonder struck the female and she halted at the edge of the beach, dropping her meal adjacent to her while she tentatively extended a forelimb outwards, pawpads kissing the newfound substance just barely, as she expected it to jump out and attack her. She had never seen anything like it ? it confused her, to say the least. As she planted her entire paw firmly against the smooth surface of what felt like rock, her shoulders gave a slight shrug as if to indicate it was nothing special.
