
I spy something tall and spotted

Pack hunt!



Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

09-23-2021, 02:53 PM

Their plan was decided, and Ezra sent the two respective groups off to get into position. Kane exchanged a determined look with Ulric and gave the alpha a nod, grabbing his coil of rope and following alongside him down to the ambush point Ezra had picked out. It was a sound plan, with the only real variable being the herding party's ability to get the lanky creatures into the trap. He had faith in his pack mates though, and the seasoned hunter had no doubts they'd be able to pull this off. Both Ulric and himself had coats suited perfectly for this sort of terrain, and with the two larger wolves being downwind they were able to move freely to their destination. When they reached the trees, Kane set down his rope to lift himself up on his hind legs to free his paws to pull and tug the rope into a secure knot around the tree trunk, giving it a few experimental tugs to ensure it was tight. He then repeated the same for the second rope, then picked it up in his mouth and stretched it out the length of the space between the two trees.

Again, the two dire wolf hunters tied the opposite ends to the second tree, creating two solid tripwires ready to take down their prey. "That son of yours is a pretty sharp one," Kane complimented Ulric as they finished setting up the trap. "If he were in my tribe, he'd be a natural born hunter. You must be proud." Once the ropes had been secured, Kane motioned to a nearby thicket of brush they could hide behind and wait for their moment to strike. He padded quickly into cover, his tawny brown fur almost completely concealing him in the dry brown brush. Teal eyes stared out at the herd of giraffes, focused and ready. He gave a short, low howl to let the herding party know they were set, the sound barely registering for the unaware giraffes. The trap was set. It was time for some fun.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.