
Lazier way to Hunt (craft)


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-24-2021, 12:18 AM

Rudy could have not mentioned his desire to chase after Oxx of course but what was the point?  Art knew Rudy well enough to know he would want to chase down Oxx.  Speaking it outloud and then listing reasons he was aware it wouldn’t work at the moment had seemed the best way to assure Art it was fine.  Sadly Art also was well aware Rudy might plot it for his future also.  This was the problem with being really close to your brother, he knew you too well.

Rudy returned his brothers somber gaze at the mention of the two of them going to hunt down Oxx in the future.  Rudy would have needed to wait till winter was over regardless of whether he listened to Art or not.  There was no point in Rudy hunting down someone so much stronger while Rudy’s condition was subpar.  Rudy was happy to blur lines of truth and perhaps because of that he tended to consider others might also attempt to do the same.

Art would never want to hurt his brother but, would he love him enough to leave early to protect him?  It shouldn’t be too hard to make sure his noble and truthful brother didn’t do such a thing.  “Alright Art, how about this?  If you swear to me by,” what was meaningful enough to Art, “By the name and spirit of Resin Carpathius that you will not try to go off alone after Oxx then I can do the same.  Neither one of us will seek him out or try and lure him in close so that he comes to us.”  Rudy’s mind searched for any loopholes in other ways one might get around such a promise.  Art wasn’t going to nobly go off alone on this with some foolish worry about Rudy’s life.  “This pact is good for one year, agreed?”  Just in case one of them found reasons to put it off they could not eternally stop the other from going for revenge after the year.

Rudy gave his brother a rueful smile though this time it wasn’t mirrored in his serious gaze, “I’m impulsive, reckless and a lot of other things at points but Art,” and here the smile left for a far more serious expression and eyes cold with the icey rage about their brother and what had happened, “I can also scheme, I can think outside the rules, and I can put it to use for once against the enemy instead of games with family.  I’ll help you kill the bastard. Just you and me.  I’m disgustingly weak so I just need time to build up my strength.  It’s bad enough knowing I wasn’t there when Gwynn needed me, or when you needed me the first time.  I won’t fail my family again, got that?”  He'd need time to get stronger which meant plenty of time to think up ways to give them an edge.  

Art wouldn’t blame Rudy obviously but that didn’t mean Rudy couldn’t be mad at himself.  Damn his own recklessness and damn the bear.  This threat to his family would die and Rudy wouldn’t be on the sidelines letting others risk their lives without his help.  This would have probably sounded a lot better if not coming from such a pathetically thin wolf who had to make snares to hunt currently.

Rudyard Carpathius