
It's the little things

Siren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-24-2021, 11:25 AM

Days passed surprisingly quickly after Siren's birth and the two pups were growing faster than she could have imagined. She had never spent dedicated time with pups like this before and being able to see how the changed from day to day was an interesting experience. Most of her day was spent fetching anything Siren might have needed and keeping her company, only really leaving to go get them more food or supplies. The only thing she really hadn't been able to do for Siren yet was help her with a bath since the birth had worn her out so throughly and had torn certain parts of her apart and Dalila didn't want to risk having her get up and move anywhere to do it. She had given Siren little touchups with damp cloths, but she knew it wasn't the same as the baths with fragrant soaps that they used to do.

There was another room adjacent to the suite they occupied that had a large tub that occupied one corner of the room. Early in the morning while Siren was taking a nap after the pups ate, Dalila investigated it a bit and cleaned out some dust and dirt that had accumulated in it. After a bit of experimenting with how to plug up the hole that was in one side, she went to get a bucket and started carrying in water from a stream that ran near the building they lived in. It took quite a few trips to get enough water to fill the tub even half way, but luckily Siren was very small so even this amount wound probably come up nearly to her shoulders. Dalila collected a bar of soap and some rags from their supplies before she came to wake Siren, quietly rousing her with some gentle nuzzles to her cheek so she wouldn't disturb the sleeping pups. She smiled once Siren's beautiful eyes opened and looked at her, making her tail wag gently. "Would you like a bath?" she whispered, nodding toward the doorway that would lead them to the other room.
