
But what if?




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-24-2021, 07:31 PM

Ulric's paw stroked across her cheek and Eska's sulfuric gaze slowly drifted shut as she reveled in his touch. The woman was content. Purely content. If she was a feline, she surely would have been purring up a storm. Since she was not, she settled for a lazy smile and a press of her cheek into her lover's soft underbelly. The comfort of knowing that Ulric was there and was watching over her began to lull the fae to sleep. The lazy pull of his claws through her brindled pelt only enhanced this sleepy feeling.

Soft, thoughtful tones roused Eska back to the present. She blinked a few times, allowing her eyes to focus on Ulric's handsome face as he spoke. He spoke of the summer and of his children being grown. Eska nodded, wondering where he was getting to with his thoughts. Retirement. That was an interesting concept. Once summer came, he would be free of responsibility. Perhaps they could travel a bit. See the different sights that the world had to offer. It would be nice to be on her paws again. Eska did enjoy traveling.

What Eska didn't expect was what Ulric said next. Pups. He wanted more pups! Eska's initial reaction was to balk and say no. He had many pups already, so why did he feel the need for more? She held her tongue, however, instead deciding to think on the matter, though she was sure that her brows furrowed as she did so.

Ulric obviously felt that having children was important. He wanted to have children with her, though that didn't mean much since he'd wanted to have children with his former mate as well, she imagined. Eska had never pictured being a mother. Helping Ulric with his own children was mothering enough for her, in all honesty. After staying quiet for a time, the masked fae decided to speak openly and honestly with her mate. "I've never really thought about having children. My whole life has pretty much been devoted to finding my mother." There hadn't been time for anything else. No time to think of what her life could be after. Again her brow furrowed. "I'm not sure that I'd be a very good mother." She didn't exactly have an example to base her mothering upon. "Why do you feel the need to have more?" Her eyes met his and she waited for an answer.
