
Its Hard to Say Goodbye



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-24-2021, 07:51 PM

Naiche had to give his son credit, the boy had done well.  There wasn’t much chase to it, and as the deer had gone down Arc had been swift to give the killing bite.  He made it look simple but Arc surely worked countless hours and hunts to find the exact spot to bite with that appearance of natural ease.  The boy waited out the deer like a pro.

Naiche didn’t interrupt the choke hold until Arc let go but as the boy grinned at him Naiche moved over to push his shoulder up against his son’s in a sort of camaraderie, “Well done.   You not only completed another successful hunt but you were the lead role in the hunt and instructed your partner in what to do.  I bet this won’t be the last hunt where you’ll find yourself the leader.”  His child in charge of others?  Of course he would be.  

Naiche nodded at the mention of taking the food home, “Looks like you fed the family to-“ The rest of the sentence was cut off at the sound of a well defined roar.  The sound was all too familiar yet slightly different.   “Forget the deer,” Naiche’s proud dad voice switched to commanding general. “Let’s get out of here.” He loved a good fight but not when his son was at risk, Arc wasn’t old enough yet.

The bear wasn’t going to give them time though, even as Naiche was urging Arc to leave.  A polar bear was rushing through the woods straight at them.  The monstrous white bear let out another roar.  Naiche positioned himself between the bear and Arcturus.  White, large, and clearly it woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  Weren’t bears supposed to be asleep now?  Naiche showed all his teeth, flattened his ears and made a warning snap at the air towards the bear.  Not today.  

The bear gave the deer corpse a glance, then raised up on its hind legs to swipe a huge paw in Naiche’s direction.  Naiche leapt away from the paw but jumped right back to his spot, sunk his teeth into the front paw before letting go just a moment later.  

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]