
Meeting you again



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-24-2021, 10:29 PM

Rudy turned his head as Bowen showed up, his tail lifting a bit to flag back and forth little pieces of sand skittering beneath it.  “Bowen,” heartfelt greeting to see her once more.  For a moment the other problems didn’t matter.  Bowen, his little sister was back.  He had tried to be a good brother and make time for all his siblings but when she had just disappeared on them Rudy had questioned shouldn’t he have made more time for her.  Now she was back, and it was wonderful.  

His mind was filled with plenty of bitter apples at the moment, but bowen was like the brilliant red apple of the group.  “I’m alright,” mostly true and some things only time could fix, inside and outside.  “Just soaking in a few thoughts, ya know?” Rudy shrugged, sliding his head sideways to nudge his head up against hers letting his chin rub up against hers, more proof she was back and just enjoying the contact with one who had been possibly lost.  “What about you? I’ve just been asleep a bit.  How are you managing?”

The rain started lightly at first but it only took a few seconds before it was a steady solid rain.  It wasn’t a harsh downpour and the thunder was still a softer sounder that wasn’t perfectly in time with the lightning that leapt over the clouds and danced down to touch the ocean.  Rudy was good for idle chatter often enough but this time he kept his comments to the base questions.  Most of the time he also wouldn’t bother just laying around in the rain but he’d certainly put up with it at various points when it interrupted him.  Going back to the castle would mean not laying next to Bowen and he was enjoying the reality of her presence.  

Rudyard Carpathius