
crafting supplies



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-25-2021, 05:29 AM
Lillith's attempt was enough to hit the massive jaguar and send it flying to the ground, just enough time to let Roman return to its side and throw his own weight into it. Lil had to back up, her shoulder was aching where she hit the beast and her own wounds from its surprise attack were flowing more freely than was good for her. Garnet gaze was trained on Roman as she struggled with her breathing, she wouldn’t be much use for the rest of the fight. Her heart leapt in her chest and she tempted down the panic as her adrenaline raced through her veins.

When he had the jaguar on its back and the creature began to kick out at him Lillith only just barely withheld a cry of worry. She couldn’t distract Roman now, not when he was right in the thick of battle. She was frozen with worry, afraid she was about to watch the boy she loved die because she couldn’t find the strength to help him. Lil held her breath, but in the very next moment everything went still.

Had Lillith blinked she would have missed all of it. Faster than she could even realize what happened Roman slammed the jaguar into the ground and then it was gone. It was done. They had both survived and destroyed the predator that threatened them. "Roman,” She finally said breathlessly, overwhelmed by what they had just gone through. Finally as the adrenaline left her she sat back onto her rump. Both of them were wounded and bleeding and she knew it was time to see to each other. Lil was still reeling at the near death experience.
