
Its Hard to Say Goodbye



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
09-25-2021, 10:41 AM
Arc glowed with pride at his father's praise, grinning up at him and leaning into his side. Hunting was one of the things he actually enjoyed and it just so happened to be a helpful thing that made it so he could take care of his family with it so it had easily become one of his favorite things and it felt good to know he was doing a good job. There wasn't much time to bask in that feeling though because just as his father was agreeing with him on getting the deer home, a loud roar interrupted him and made Arc's fur stand on end. He looked around with wide, sapphire eyes, trying to find the source of it. His dad was commanding for them to go, telling him to forget about the deer, but just as he was about to turn and run for the Armada border a massive white bear came out of nowhere and faced off with them. He stood there frozen, looking up at the huge beast, until his dad shoved him out of the way and got between him and the bear.

Arcturus got behind Naiche, peeking around him at the polar bear that was way bigger than any predator he had ever seen in real life. Panic and worry hit him as it swung a massive paw toward his dad, but of course his dad jumped out of the way and then jumped back in just in time to land a bite on the bear's retreating paw. Why was he worried? His dad was one of the best fighters around! He could fight a bear! But he still didn't want Naiche to have to fight alone and he wasn't really big enough yet to really do anything to help much. He had to get help! But he didn't want to leave his dad alone either... His ears perked with an idea and while the bear was giving an angry roar from the bite it got to its paw, and he quickly looked around for Bream, spotting him in the tree behind him. "Bream! Go get Mom!" he called to his companion and the osprey immediately took off and wheeled away toward Armada's lands to go looking for Aslatiel.

"Arcturus Fatalis"