
Smells like teen spirit

Open spar



2 Years
09-25-2021, 04:31 PM
The reality of the situation was that Aris had nothing to worry about, really. Dream wasn't so petty that he'd go running to the Alpha over injuries sustained in a fight he was a willing participant in, and he could only hope that this she-wolf was the same, because it'd be a damn shame if she went running to her dad if she ended up getting hurt today, because the blond had grown fond of Sirius and Mortis both in the time he'd spent in the territory, and it would really freaking suck if this little fight caused drama between them all, especially when Dream was still earning his place in the group. the possability wasn't enough to shake him though, and as she readied her stance across from him he prepared himself as well.

As she charged toward him, Dream let her close the distance, instead bracing his larger body for the impact. When it came and her forearms hooked around his neck, jaws and claws scrabbling for hold on his body, Dream lurched foreward and intended to use the position to his advantage, aiming to slam her into the ground on her back hard enugh to stun her for a moment. If this succeeded, he would try and get a grip on her with his teeth and give her a rough shake.

His chest and forelegs burned from the scratches that scored them from her unusual claws, but he was alight with adreniline and her eagerness and ferocity were contagious.

Aris vs Dream for spar
Round 1/?
Age: over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium

OOC- thank you! Just let me know if I do anything super wrong lol. I'm gonna go find the fight guide to brush up on stuff now :)