
But what if?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-25-2021, 10:00 PM

Ulric watched Eska's reactions curiously, watching the confusion and disbelief cross her features in the form of a furrowed brow with a bit of amusement. He honestly wouldn't have been disappointed or offended if she refused. He had quickly learned with Eska that she stood on her own feet and made her own decisions about all things and he had no doubt that this would be the same. All he wanted to know was if it was even a possibility to be considered. She had stepped up to being a part of his other children's lives, but that didn't necessarily mean he expected her to want children of their own. She was more than enough for him either way so he waited while she considered the question for a moment, his claws still lovingly raking through her silver brindled fur.

Her initial response wasn't far off from what he had expected from her, but it showed she was at least open to considering the idea which he appreciated. As with everything she was the logic to his emotion and she questioned a very important point - why did he feel like he needed to have more? He had already fathered six children - nine if he counted the three that had died because of Aranea's actions - and that was already far more than most wolves probably had in a whole lifetime. His mother had only had two, but that had mostly been because of the fact that his father was murdered so early on in her life. It wasn't that he was unsatisfied with the amount of family he had or his current children in any way. He considered it for a moment, wanting to give her a thoughtful answer to her question.

"I love being a father," he answered honestly, his paw lightly tracing her ear. "Out of all the things I've done, it's the one of the only things I've genuinely enjoyed... But I've never planned to be a father. I had no idea about Serenity's litter before I found her, the litter with Azariah had been a surprise and unplanned, Aranea... that had been a mistake on every level." He frowned a bit at that, but he moved on quickly, adding, "I'm not trying to make up for my mistakes and recklessness, but I would love to experience what it's like to actually enjoy being a father without having to worry about raising them alone or without being pulled in a million directions because of other obligations, to just... have a family and be able to be with them and love them. I just... I just wish I had been able to give that to all of my kids."

The guilt he felt about not being able to give his children the attention from him that they deserved still ate at him constantly even though he knew he was only one wolf and there was only so much he could have done as a single father that suddenly had the world placed upon his shoulders unexpectedly. He blinked and refocused his attention on Eska's golden gaze and he smiled softly, brushing his paw across her cheek again. "You've taught me to be so much more intentional with my life and what I do with it. I know where I want my priorities to be. You are my priority first in this decision so if being a mother isn't something you're wanting then that's fine with me. We can just live our lives together and I will be more than content with that, but if that is something you want then I would love to share that experience with you."
