
The Great Snow War of Year 16

Avacyn ♡


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-25-2021, 09:20 PM

The world had become so cold all of a sudden. Being as this was his first winter, Saracyn didn't understand the concept of seasons. He didn't understand why everything had become gray and frigid, why the trees had lost their leaves, or why the world was covered in powdery white snow all the time. He still didn't know if he liked it or not, but he was getting used to it. His fluffy puppy coat had grown thick to protect him from the bitter cold air, but even then his parents didn't like him or Avacyn to be out for too long. Something about catching a cold, but how could you catch temperature? That didn't make sense! Adults were weird...

Saracyn paced around the outside of the den they'd been living in since his family left the prairie. Mom and Dad were always so busy going around looking for things and talking with wolves, trying to find a permanent home for them they said. How hard was it to find a home? Couldn't they just take whatever they wanted for themselves? They were Mendacium wolves, after all, and this world belonged to them! That's what Mom and Dad kept telling them. Saracyn bounced through the freshly fallen snow, crunching it beneath tiny paws and leaving trails of little lupine tracks where he stepped. Fat snowflakes fell from a heavy sky above, and all the world was silent and still. The small red and black pup stood out against the white landscape while he played, occasionally pausing to glance around for his sister who was never too far away.

Gathering up some snow with his paw, Sara realized that the powder was malleable. With a little effort, he could squish it into different shapes and forms. He made a small ball out of the snow, rolling it around on the ground for a minute before lifting it up in his paw. He considered his creation for a second, then glanced at one of the nearby stone pillars. With a little grunt, he hurled the ball through the air, watching as it impacted with the pillar and exploded everywhere with a satisfying smack. Icy blue eyes widened and a wicked grin split the boy's lips, already beginning to form another snowball while he called out in a sweet sing-song voice, "Ohh Ava! Come check out what I found!"

WC: 396
Total: 396 / 1500

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
