



08-08-2013, 08:48 PM

Her expression remained surprisingly neutral as Ananke laughed a little at the nickname as she tried to figure out if the sibling meant it rudely. But then after a moment of reasoning, she decided that Ana was probably too nice for that! Aegira shrugged it off and wagged her scraggly little tail, holding her posture as tall as she could until the moment she lunged at her brother. Satisfaction flitted through her as her sibling mirrored her actions, proclaiming his downfall as she too lunged upon him.

As she landed upon him, she did her very best to try and force him down with what little weight and muscle mass she possessed in comparison to him, but luckily as Ananke came crashing down upon him, he fell. Confidence overwhelmed her and she let her guard down but in no time he had sprung back to his paws. She wrinkled her nose and backtracked, mimicking his movements as she pushed her lower body near the earth and her ears against her head. His dialogue reached her and she snickered.

"Tried? You went down, Twinkletoes! And you will aga--" Before she could finish, the dark-pelted sibling lunged at her and her words cut off abruptly. She reared up on her hind legs before he hit her, but when he did they collided at the chest, sending them both tumbling a few feet. She kicked at his stomach (being sure to not kick with her angle too far forward so she wouldn't hurt him) and tried to bite at his ear as they rolled. As soon as their momentum broke she would try her best to pull herself away from him, even though her balance would be crippled for the slightest of moments, and then would prepare herself should he try to attack again.