
Light It Up! [Yearling Party]



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
09-26-2021, 12:29 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2021, 02:05 PM by Dagrún. Edited 1 time in total.)

The sun was setting on the first day of winter. Rivulets of golden light struck the great river as a northern wind blew down and ruffled the changing leaves of the trees that bordered the Rio Grande. Dagrún had sent her companions across the terras, searching for yearlings that wanted to get together for a little party and competition as a last hurrah to autumn. With her kestrel's help Dagrún started a large bonfire and laid out a number of ceramic bowls as well as wine and brandy she'd stolen from Álarr's cellar, as well as several bottles of ale she'd mugged off an unfortunate loner.  Once that was all done she settled down to wait for the party goer's to arrive. Her companions had delivered the place and time so she would rely on that. Dagrún didn't want to risk a howl to signal the start of the celebration, at least not yet. She didn't need any worrying adults sticking their nose into the yearlings' business.

OOC:  Ok, the party is officially started! Feel free to post here.  I'm going to go ahead and get the tournament fights/races going now since we have quite a few competitors. The pairings are listed below. I will create a visual roster at a later date.

The player on the left has 3 days from now to start a thread for their fights/races!  

** For fights remember these are without companions/weapons/armor to make things easier on the judges **

Please post the threads in the Rio Grande territory. Also remember in order to keep things moving along we'll be adhering to the 3 day default limit.


1. Aoife vs Kaija

2. Aris vs Kuroki

3. Spark vs Katja

4. Carnage vs Legacy

5. Ardyn vs Ulfr

6. Fidelias vs Takeshi

7. Malachai vs Solo

8. Dagrun vs Bronze

9. Lukina vs Pontifex

10. Avantika vs Daphne

11. Kali vs Ophie

12. Askell vs Gossamer


1. Aris vs Gossamer

2. Suspense vs Bog

3. Legacy vs Fidelias

4. Dagrun vs Corbie

5. Ophelia vs Kuroki

6. Arne vs Modesty

7. Lukina vs Soul

8. Kali vs Ardyn

9. Spark vs Kaija

10. Askell vs Ulfr

11. Psalm vs Aoife