
my momma done told me



08-12-2013, 05:38 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica's tail batted back and forth as she was welcomed by her mother's embrace. So comforting. After the crazy day she'd had, she needed that. More than she'd realized. Her mother's assurance that she would still worry, was something the little healer ought to have expected though. Along with what came next:

"How did you meet this wolf?"

Orica started without meaning too. Once more that terrible awkwardness crept over her. Her eyes trained down her paws. She couldn't risk them accidently meeting her mother's. Why is it that mothers had this power? They could worm out even the deepest set secrets. Not that Orica was a stone wall or anything. But she blinked furiously, trying to come up with something to say, knowing that every split second of hesitation meant that the gravity of what she was holding back, grew greater and greater. Two things held her tongue: Firstly, the fact that she had gone against her father's direct order when she'd gone out by herself, secondly that if she said too much about Demyan... well - she just couldn't get her family involved. Dangerous or not, she wanted to give him the chance out there. He'd saved her life and he'd said he'd never forget her. That meant something important right? He could change given the time?

Orica didn't know if she could lie about both things. Eventually it would become obvious that she hadn't met the other wolf here on Mt. Volkan. Finally, the girl swallowed, and prehaped to speak. She still looked down, but this time out of guilt of what she'd done, not what she was saying. "I... I left the borders. I went out for a quick run and that's how I met him." The reluctance in her voice resembled metal scraping against metal. But, there it was. The secret was out. She sighed heavily, and finally raised her chin. "I'm sorry mother," she murmured. She didn't have much hope on the last bit, but she tried it anyway, "Please - please don't tell Dad." Oh! she could just imagine those disappointed yellow eyes looking down at her. No no. She didn't want to! There could very well be punishment along with the confession, but that took second place on her list of fears. First place was just feeling so terrible - like she'd actually hurt one of them. Like she'd been a terrible person to even think about going out there. And what made it worse, was that she couldn't honestly say she wished she hadn't. She saved a life, and perhaps... perhaps even a soul. She couldn't tell that to her parents, but the inner knowledge of it made things a little easier to bear.
