
taking steps is easy; standing still is hard



08-08-2013, 09:01 PM

So awfully dark with his mostly-midnight fur and so quiet was he that Aegira didn't even realize his presence until his voice echoed around her, wallowing in her own self-pity too much to bother to scent the air around her. She jumped immediately at the unexpected noise, a little growl slipping from her chest as she lurched to her paws, springing from the ball she was curled in with what felt to her like record speed. Her heart thudded in her chest and she raised her short hackles, baring her teeth at the stranger, half-glaring at him as she squinted to try and make out his features. The runt set her jaw and cleared her features with anything but anger as she realized his size, lifting her chin a little and pushing out her chest. I may be small, but I'm not a weakling! she thought, seeming to have completely forgotten that only seconds ago she'd been in a whimpering ball, wishing silently for her mother. The male absolutely dwarfed her but it did not put too much of a damper on her attitude--she'd grown up around big wolves so far, and he was only about as big as her mother.

It took a moment for her to remember his words, but when she did she answered immediately, not wanting to be thought as a dummy for waiting to respond. "It was a dare and it was dark," she lied boldly, voice unwavering, to her surprise. Every muscle in her minute body was tensed and coiled, prepared to try and jump away should he try to do something to her. Her mother had told her to not trust everyone and she'd definitely taken it to heart. "B'sides, I can get outta here whenever, I, want." She put stubborn pause and emphasis on the last three words, frowning deeply at him. Her eyes were a little adjusted and she could sort of see the lighter parts of him. "...I just... dun wanna."